My Portfolio Website


Direction / Design / Coding( 3 months )

YEAR 2020 - 2020


Design Concept

For the design, I selected colors and fonts that embody the qualities I value in both work and life "precision", "calmness", and "neutrality".

Works ( Top )

The purpose of my portfolio site is to showcase my works, so I designed the top page to display all of my created websites in one place. When a user clicks on a image of a project, an animation(using webgl) occurs to draw attention and encourage them to explore the other project pages.

Works ( Detail )

For the page that details the project, I focused on presenting the contents of the proposal used during the requirements definition in an easy-to-read format. This includes the site's concept, achievement goals through the website, target,
persona, user flow, current promlems and improvement (in case of a renewal site), design concept, among other details.


For the page that details information about myself, I designed a layout that utilizes the full screen and disregards margins to express my individuality, playfulness, and endless curiosity in a personal setting. In contrast, other pages were designed with a regular grid layout.


As for the contact page, I developed it using PHP. I aimed to design a contact form that was easy to use and had a casual feel, as if writing a letter.